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Fixing import errors
Updated over 2 months ago

The process for integrating reviews into the system is generally straightforward; however, there might be instances where certain values in the CSV file don't align with our requirements, leading to a failure in incorporating the reviews.

If this occurs, there's no need to worry. We will inform you via email about the errors and the specific reviews affected. You can then adjust the necessary details in the CSV file and attempt to reintegrate the reviews that didn't go through initially.

1. Product not found


The value in the product_id or product_handle column does not match any product in your store.


Double-check the product_id and product_handle values.

2. Review content not found


The value in the body column is missing, which is a required field.


Fill in at least 1 character in the body column. When transferring reviews from a previous review application, ensure to check the relevant column in the file for review content, such as 'review_content' or 'review'.

3. Review already exists in metaobjects


This error happens when you export the reviews then reimport them. As all reviews are pushed to Metaobject, when you reimport, we will see the reviews as already existing.


  • Open your exported file with Google Sheet.

  • Right-click on the metaobject_handle column and select Delete column.

  • Work on the file as usual then reimport without the metaobject_handle column.

4. Review rating invalid


The value in the rating column is either missing or in an incorrect format. Ratings must be whole numbers between 1 and 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).


Make sure the rating values are whole numbers between 1 and 5.

5. Reviewer name invalid


The value in the reviewer_name column exceeds the character limit (100 characters).


Ensure that the reviewer_name column has a name within the character limit. If needed, you can leave it empty, and we will use "Anonymous" as the reviewer's name.

6. Missing params


Required headers (e.g., title, body, rating, review_date, reviewer_name, reviewer_email, product_id, product_handle,...) are missing from the CSV.


Check the headers you're missing or use a fresh template available here.

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