Available on the Awesome plan
Our Profanity Filter, available on the Awesome plan, helps you maintain a respectful and family-friendly shopping experience for your customers by detecting and handling offensive words and sensitive content in reviews.
Automatic censorship of blacklisted words
Our system can automatically identify and censor blacklisted words in reviews. These words will be replaced with [*****]. You have control over whether these reviews are published or hidden based on your Autopublish setting. If you use automatic social push, the censored reviews will also be shared on social media.
To enable automatic censorship:
From Judge.me admin, go to Manage Reviews > Moderation.
Scroll down to the Review restriction, refer to the Profanity filter section.
Choose the option to Replace banned words with asterisks (***) and publish review.
Click Save settings.
Automatic censorship and hiding of reviews
In addition to censorship, you can choose to automatically hide reviews containing blacklisted words, regardless of your Autopublish setting.
To enable automatic hiding:
From Judge.me admin, go to Manage Reviews > Moderation.
Scroll down to the Review restriction, refer to the Profanity filter section.
Choose the option to Hide review containing banned words
Add your custom filtered words and phrases
While we provide a standard blacklist for detecting sensitive language, you can also add your own custom filtered words and phrases. You have the flexibility to:
Use the standard blacklist in combination with your custom list.
Use only your custom list to filter reviews.
To add your own custom words and phrases for censorship:
In Judge.me admin, go to Manage Reviews > Moderation.
Scroll down to the Review restriction, refer to the Profanity filter section.
Enter the words or phrases you want to censor in Blocklist words or phrases, separating each by a new line.
Click Save.
You can also import your custom blacklist using the provided CSV template. Edit the file using Google Sheets and then import it in the settings mentioned above.
For other platforms
For other platforms
In Judge.me, go to Settings > Review Widget > Review Moderation > Profanity Filter.
Click on Add custom filtered words/phrases.
Enter the words or phrases you want to censor, separating each by a new line.
Click Save.
Managing reviews with profanity
To view censored reviews:
In Judge.me admin, go to Manage Reviews > Reviews dashboard.
Use the filter With profanity to easily identify and review censored content.
Our Profanity Filter empowers you to maintain a clean and respectful review environment, ensuring a positive shopping experience for all your customers.