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Censoring reviews with personal information
Censoring reviews with personal information
Updated over 3 weeks ago

At, we take privacy seriously. Personal Identifiable Information (PII) includes details that could identify someone, like email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, exact locations, full names, or usernames.

How we protect privacy

We use Google Cloud DLP to scan reviews for PII. If any is found, you have options:

Option 1: Automatically censor and publish reviews with PII

  • By default, we automatically detect and replace PII in your reviews with [*****]. These reviews will be published or hidden based on your Autopublish setting.

  • If you use automatic social push, the censored reviews will also be shared on social media.

Option 2: Automatically censor and hide reviews with PII

You can go a step further and automatically hide reviews with censored PII, regardless of the Autopublish setting. To do this:

  1. From your admin, go to Manage Reviews > Moderation

  2. Scroll down to the Review restriction, refer to Personal information section.

  3. Switch to Automatically hide reviews.

  4. Click Save.

These hidden reviews can be managed in the Reviews dashboard. They won't be pushed to social media through automatic social sharing.

For other platforms

  1. In admin, visit Settings > Review Widget > Review Moderation.

  2. Scroll down to the Personal Identifiable Information Censor section.

  3. Switch to Automatically hide reviews.

  4. Click Save settings.

Manage PII censored reviews

To view all reviews with censored PII:

  1. From your admin, go to Manage Reviews > Reviews dashboard.

  2. Choose the With personal information filter.

  3. Here, you can review the censored content and the PII details that were replaced.

For other platforms

  1. In admin, go to Manage Reviews > Reviews dashboard.

  2. Choose the PII Censored Reviews filter.

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