You have the option to either archive or delete reviews in your Reviews Dashboard. Here's how:
Archive a review
Archiving a review removes it from your main dashboard and store widgets. You can locate archived reviews in the Archive folder.
Delete an imported review
For imported reviews, you can delete them in your Reviews dashboard. Deleted reviews will be permanently removed from your dashboard.
From your admin, go to Manage Reviews.
Click the three dots and select Delete.
Delete duplicated imported reviews
If you've accidentally imported a review multiple times, you can remove the duplicated import in the Import Log.
From your admin, go to Manage Reviews > Reviews Dashboard > Import & Sync reviews.
At the bottom of the page, you'll find the import log where you can delete all reviews from an import event.
Delete all imported reviews
If you wish to start fresh by deleting all imported reviews, please chat with us or contact us at, and we will gladly assist you.
Depending on the number of reviews, this process may take up to 1 hour to complete.