You can modify the date format or conceal review dates to make them more pertinent to your store. You can also adjust the review date via the CSV file import feature.
Edit review dates
For customer-submitted reviews (including email and web reviews), the date cannot be modified.
For imported reviews, you can change the review date when editing the review.
Change review date format
To adjust the date format:
From your admin, go to General Settings > Account > Date and location format.
Currently, we have these formats:
Show a timestamp like [Yesterday] or [2 weeks ago]
Full year American format mm/dd/yyyy
Short year American format mm/dd/yy
Full year European format dd/mm/yyyy
Short year European format dd/mm/yy
Hide review dates
To hide the timestamps from reviews:
From your admin, go to Widget > Review Widget > Customize
In Theme section, unselect the Show review date option.