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Triggering review requests for Amazon orders
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Available for Shopify users

If you're a Shopify user looking to streamline your review request process for Amazon orders, you can now automatically send review requests for your Amazon orders with our x Amazon integration.

How it works

Once you've enabled the integration, here's how the process works:

  1. Order Status Updates: After enabling the integration, will start receiving status updates for your Amazon orders.

  2. Automatic Review Requests: Between 5 to 30 days after your order status changes to "Shipped" on Amazon, we will automatically trigger a review request from Amazon on your behalf.

  3. Content Limitations: Please note that the actual email will be sent by Amazon, and, at present, it's not possible to edit the content or send reminder emails from's side.

How to set up

  • From your admin, go to General Settings > Integrations >Review Collection

  • Select Amazon.

  • Select the region URLs that apply to your store.

  • Click Save.

  • After saving the settings, click Authorize. You will be redirected to the homepage.

  • Back in settings, you can now proceed to set up the review request timing.

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