Cup Single
Say goodbye to unnecessarily expensive and time consuming periods, and hello to a better period! If you’ve had trouble getting other cups inserted and opened, don’t give up before giving the Poppins Period (formerly Bloody Buddy) Menstrual Cup a try! ...

Cups 2-Pack
Say goodbye to unnecessarily expensive and time consuming periods, and hello to a better period! If you’ve had trouble getting other cups inserted and opened, don’t give up before giving the Poppins Period Menstrual Cup a try! We have several ...

Absorbent Period Underwear
Enjoy safe (no PFAS!), reliable (goodbye leaks!), and eco-friendly (you're welcome mother nature!) period protection. Are you concerned about contributing to waste from pads and liners, yet desire the added reassurance they provide? Have you wondered about period underwear, but ...

Silicone Safe Foaming Cleanser
Poppins Period Foaming Cleanser is a silicone safe cleanser. Choose from our light, flowery citrus signature scent or fragrance-free. This is a great option for anyone looking to keep their cups and discs extra fresh throughout their period. Poppins Period’s ...

Magnesium Mist
Magnesium deficiency symptoms like; fatigue, mood swings, poor sleep, sugar cravings, sore breasts, cramping, and headaches are common, but aren’t necessary or “normal”. If these sound familiar, you’re not alone. Did you know that during the last two weeks of ...

Steamer Bag
There are many reasons why people find boiling their menstrual cups and discs time consuming and inconvenient. The Poppins Period Sterilizing Steamer Bag is a QUICK and convenient way to keep your menstrual cup so fresh and so clean.We recommend ...