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Review Snippets Widget
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Snippets Widget shows customer reviews under the Add to Cart button, giving shoppers quick social proof without having to scroll through many reviews. It helps build trust and encourages people to buy by highlighting what others love about the product at the perfect moment.

How it looks

The Snippet Widget is located under the Add to cart/Buy it now button. When customers click the review snippets, the review cards will be expanded into a modal.

Snippet Widget with rating, review text, and reviewer name

Snippet Widget with rating, review text, reviewer name and photo

Add the review snippets to your store

  • From your admin, go to Widgets > Showcase reviews > Review Snippets > Install.

  • When the Shopify theme editor opens, will automatically add the Review Snippets on your product page. You can then drag and drop the widget block to your desired location, but we recommend placing it under the "add to cart/buy it" button.

  • Then click Save.

Customize the review snippets

To customize the review snippets:

  • From your admin, go to Widgets > Showcase reviews > Review Snippets > Customize.

  • You can:

    • Adjust the border style of the snippet: square or round corner.

    • Choose colors for the card, slider arrow, and stars.

How your reviews are displayed

The review snippets will display your reviews following these logics:

  • Show review rating, review body, reviewer name, and review photo (if applicable)

  • Slide the review cards automatically every 5 seconds. Customers can use the arrows to navigate to the next reviews.

  • Only 5-star published reviews will be displayed and the most recent ones will be prioritized. The widget won't be shown if stores have no 5-star reviews.

  • If a product has reviews syndicated from other products in product groups or shop groups, these reviews won't be displayed in the Snippet Widget.

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