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Customizing questions with custom forms
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Do you want to get more information from your customers beyond star ratings and reviews? Try our Custom Forms now. This feature helps you understand more about your customer preferences and hidden concerns. The more insights you get, the better products and services you can offer.

How to enable your custom forms

To enable your Custom Forms:

  • In the Custom Forms dashboard, you can choose from the default templates or create a new template. You can create up to 10 custom forms, but be cautious because your Review Widget or review request emails forms may end up being too long.

For other platforms

  • From your admin dashboard, go to Email Templates > Custom Forms.

  • Click Add a question to add new questions, or simply edit the existing ones if you are working on a template. Here are the custom form's fields you need to fill in:

    1. Custom Form Name: internal name of your custom form for easier reference

    2. Active status: If checked, your custom form's questions will be shown in your Review Widget and review request emails after you saved it.

    3. The questions of this custom form will be added to: You can choose to display your custom form's questions on all products, some specific products that you tagged, or only on store reviews collection.

    4. Required: check this box to require your customers to answer this question

    5. Hide from Widgets: If you choose the option Hide from Widgets, the review form still shows that question, but the answers to that question will be hidden.

    6. Display title and Question: the title and questions that will be shown to your customers

    7. Question type: You can choose among a single choice, multiple choice, rating scale, and plain text.

  • Click and drag the left of the question to adjust their positions.

  • The Active status of your custom forms is displayed in the right columns. You can deactivate any custom forms by unchecking the Active box. You can also edit, copy, or delete the custom forms.


  • If you delete a question, the question and its answers will also be removed on the Review Widget & admin backend but you can still export them together with the reviews.

  • One question can have many options. Giving options a convenient way to prefill the form for your customers. Deleting or editing an option doesn't affect any existing answers.

  • Changing the question type of an existing question only works for questions that have no answer yet. To change the question type of questions that have answers already, please create a new identical question but select a different question type and disable the previous question.

  • If you want to hide improper language that accidentally appears in your custom form answers, please enable our Profanity Filter.

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