Skip to main content Widget 3.0
Updated over 2 months ago

The Widget 3.0 are redesigned to be more trendy, user-friendly, and better showcase your reviews with a new widget theme (Slider), custom form template, and various features such as pinning reviews and customizing border styles. You can upgrade to Widget 3.0 with one click from your settings.

In this article, we'll explain more about the new features you can find in Widget 3.0.

1. New Review Widget theme: slider

We've added a new widget theme called Carousel/Slider is added, while also adapting the 3 existing themes to the new widget design.

From your admin go to Widgets > Review Widget > Manage > Select Slider in Theme section.

The Slider theme lets you display your reviews in a Slider layout, where each review is displayed as a card. Customers can click on the arrows to move back and forth, or click on each card to see the full review. widget 3.0 carousel theme

For other platforms

In your admin, go to Settings > Review Widget > Manage > Widget Themes > Widget Themes.

2. Pin reviews in the widget

You can "pin" some specific reviews to always display them on top, regardless of the filters your customer may apply. To pin reviews, simply go to the Reviews dashboard ( and click on the "Pin" icon. widget 3.0 pinned reviews in widget

3. Choose widget primary and secondary colors

You can customize your widget elements with a primary color and secondary color in Widgets > Review Widget > Manage > Colors.

  • Primary color: This color will be applied to buttons, star ratings, links, and upvote buttons.

  • Secondary color: This color will be applied to the background of the review replies/Q&A, selected options, section divisors, and other secondary elements. We suggest the use of lighter color than your primary color.


This setting will update the star color for widgets. If you want to set a different color for the Star Ratings stars, please choose the color in Custom star color. widget 3.0 widget color

For other platforms

You can customize your widget elements by going to Settings > Review Widget > Widget Header > Widget Color. widget 3.0 widget color settings

4. More customizations for the widget header

4.1. Add Medals

You can now add Medals to a dedicated section in your Review Widget Header by going to Widgets > Review Widget > Manage > Medals.

  • If the medals are displayed on the Review Widget of a product, it will reflect the reviews of that specific product.

  • If the medals are displayed on the All Reviews Page and Floating Reviews Tab, they will reflect the total reviews of your stores.

Consumers can rely on Medals that are awarded to stores as an indicator of transparency and authenticity. Stores get Transparency medals if they publish at least 80% of the total verified reviews they receive, and stores are awarded Authenticity medals if at least 80% of the reviews they publish are verified reviews.

For other platforms

You can find this setting in Settings > Review Widget > Widget Header > Medals. widget 3.0 medals settings

4.2. Customize the Widget Media Grid

You can customize the title of your media grid and add a link to view more photos in the grid.

  • In your admin, go to Widgets > Review Widget > Manage.

  • Refer to the section labeled Photos and Videos > Media grid > Select "Show recent photos and videos in a grid".

For other platforms

You can find this setting in Settings > Review Widget > Widget Header > Widget Media Grid. widget 3.0 media grid settings

4.3. Display “collected by” by default

Letting consumers know how reviews are collected and managed is essential to help you comply with the EU Consumer Protection Act. This also explains how verified buyer badge works to indicate review quality.

This feature is enabled automatically by default on Widget 3.0. It is also available in existing widgets (Widgets 2.0) but not enabled by default.

You can find it in Widgets > Review Widget > Manage > Review source. widget 3.0 header

For other platforms

You can find it in Settings > Review Widget > Widget Header > Widget Review Text Header. widget 3.0 text header settings

5. More customizations for the widget body

5.1. Choose border style

You can select the square or round corner for your Review Widget in Widgets > Review Widget > Manage > Border Style. This will be applied to widget containers, star rating bars, buttons, images, search input, etc.

Square corner widget 3.0 border style square

Round corner widget 3.0 border style round

For other platforms

You can find it in Settings > Review Widget > Widget Body > Border Style. widget 3.0 border style settings

5.2. Choose pagination type

You can choose either standard pagination (1 2 3 4..) or a “Load More” button in SWidgets > Review Widget > Manage > Search and pagination. The "Load More" button will be either square or round depending on the border style setting. This feature is also available in existing widgets (Widgets 2.0).

For other platforms

In your admin, go to Settings > Review Widget > Widget Body > Pagination Type. widget 3.0 pagination settings

Standard pagination widget 3.0 standard pagination

"Load More" button widget 3.0 load more

6. Redesigned widget form

In the new widget form, we have rearranged the order of the fields to make it more user-friendly:

  • Put star rating first, name/email later

  • Upload photo & video in the same media field

To customize your widget form fields, go to Widget > Review Widget > scroll to Widget Form under Text section > Click on Customize. widget 3.0 new widget form

For other platforms

To customize your widget form fields, go to Settings > Review Widget > Widget Form > Widget Review Form.

7. New question type and template in custom forms

We've added a new question type called Slider, where users can drag the scale to choose the value. You can create custom forms in Widget > Review widget > Manage > Custom forms > Managed custom forms or go to Custom Forms. Learn more about custom forms here. widget 3.0 custom form slider question settings widget 3.0 custom form slider questions

A new default template called Demographic Questions. widget 3.0 custom form demographic questions

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