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Updating your store page on the review site
Updating your store page on the review site
Updated over 2 months ago

Your store page on the review site is a powerful tool to showcase your store's information, highlight both product and shop-level reviews, and collect valuable feedback from your customers.

1. How to enable listing on the review site

To begin enhancing your store page, the first step is to enable it on the review site. Follow these simple steps:

  • Visit your settings at: Marketing and Social > Reviews Site.

  • In the " Reviews page" section, select "Enable store listing" to publish your store and product pages on the review site. Then, click "Save."

  • Once completed, you can view your store page by clicking "Visit my page" above the "Enable Review Site" section.

2. How to update your store page

Fill in the category and customize a link to your store page

  • Store category: select from the drop-down menu, helping potential customers discover your store and products more easily.

  • Sensitive content: specify if your store's reviews or products contain any sensitive content.

    • If it does, your reviews may be restricted from appearing on selected pages on's site (e.g., the homepage). However, they will still appear in searches and on your store and product pages.

  • Link to your Store page.

    • New handle should be between 4 to 100 characters, contain only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) or the special characters period (.), dash (-), or underscore (_). For example, a valid store page link is:

    Once you've finished editing, click "Save".

Add banner, logo and description

  • Store Banner: Recommended size: 2400px x 410px, Maximum file size: 10MB.

  • Store Logo: Recommended size: 200px x 200px, Maximum file size: 10MB.

  • Store Description: You can add a store description of up to 400 characters.

    Once you've finished editing, click "Save". Please note that it may take a few minutes for your logo and banner to be updated.

Add contact details

Make it easy for customers to reach out to you by showcasing you contact details. You can add your email, phone numbers, link to your contact page, WhatApp URL and target response time.

Add your billing and physical store addresses

  • Billing Address is filled in automatically from Shopify Store. You can can choose to hide billing address from you Store page.

  • Store Address: you can fill in you store address, to showcase to your customers you have a physical store.

Add your "Return and Refund" and "Shipping" policies

You have an option to add links to corresponding pages on your site or add a short descriptions (600 characters maximum) of your policies.

Add payment methods

Showcase to your customers that they can complete purchase with secure payment methods.

Add social media links

Allow your customers to easily find you in Social Media if they seek for more information about your Store.

3. How to view your product page on the review site

You can also access your product pages from your store page through:

  1. The search bar.

  2. The "based on xxx reviews" section in the "Bestsellers" section.

  3. The product links within specific reviews.

4. Review site listings and cross-shop reviews syndication

  • If you have two Shopify stores that meet our conditions (at least 20 verified reviews), you can enable two review site listings.

  • By using cross-shop reviews syndication, your reviews will be shared among your review site listings. This means that reviews submitted on any store within the same group will be displayed on the review site listings of others.

  • If a store in the group doesn't meet the review site criteria or if you disable its review site listing, the syndicated reviews will still be displayed on other store pages, but the links to the product pages will be disabled. Consumers can still click "View in store" to see that product directly on your Shopify store.

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