1. Ways how profile image can be added
You can upload or change your profile image on Judge.me reviewer account page.
If missing, profile image will be automatically synced from your Facebook, Google, or Gravatar (if you use the same email address across all accounts).
If the profile image is not available, we'll display a neutral placeholder image.
Note, your profile image will be displayed based on this order of preference:
- Your uploaded image (this will always override any other image)
- Facebook/Google
- Gravatar
2. Where profile image will be displayed
You profile image will be displayed on your public profile page on Judge.me Reviews Site.
In case you have enabled Show my profile image on the reviews I make in the general settings in your profile, your profile image will also be displayed for your reviews on:
If you need help display reviewer profile, contact our team at support@judge.me. We're available to help 24/7!