You can add 2 hashtags: #judgeme and #judgeme_product_reviews to the end of your product URL so that when the customers click on the product URL, they will be redirected to a specific section on your Review Widget. In particular:
#judgeme will open the reviews tab, scroll down to the widget and open the reviews form, so your reviewers can write a review.
#judgeme_product_reviews will open the reviews tab and scroll to the widget where you can view the existing reviews.
If you enabled heavy web review restriction, you can’t collect reviews via a direct link.
A. #judgeme tag
When you click on a product link on the Products Dashboard, you will be taken directly to the Write a Review form on your store's product page. Its purpose is to allow you to manually send review requests via your own email, newsletters, or other channels.
From your admin, go to Manage Reviews > Products & Groups
For other platforms
For other platforms
The #judgeme tag is already added to the end of your product page URL, so you only need to copy the URL following these steps:
From admin, go to Manage Reviews > Products & Groups
Choose what product you want to send the review request
Right-click on the product link, choose Copy Link Address
Paste the link address in the email you sending the review request to your customer.
B. #judgeme_product_reviews tag
The #judgeme_product_reviews tag is useful when you want your customer to have an overall look at other product reviews/pictures/videos. You have to manually add this tag to the end of your product page URL. When you open the link, it will take you to the Review Widget instead of the Write A Review Form (like the #judgeme tag).
For other platforms
For other platforms
From the Dashboard, choose Manage Reviews > Products & Groups
Choose what product you want to send the review request
Right-click on the product link, choose Open Link In A New Tab
Insert #judgeme_product_reviews at the end of your product page URL. You can still keep #judgeme tag, it doesn't affect the overall outcome.
Copy and paste the link with the new tag #judgeme_product_reviews in the email you will be sending the review request to the customer.