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Removing from Shopify
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you've reached this page, it means there must be something we should be doing better! Please let us know via chat or send us an email at We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Delete the app

To delete the app:

  • In Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  • Find the app and click Remove.

Please note that this is something only you can do, and we cannot perform it for you on your behalf.

We save all your reviews and settings, so if you choose to reinstall, all existing reviews should appear again. If you'd like us to delete these data, please contact us at

Remove code and files

When you uninstall our app, we will immediately lose access to the theme files. So even when the app is removed from your Shopify store, our code will remain, but be disabled.

If you want to completely remove our code and files, you can follow these steps.

Step 1: Edit theme files

You can edit your theme files in Shopify admin by going to Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit code.

Step 2: Remove code

To successfully remove our code, you'd need to understand how our code is needed. If you're not familiar with this, please take a look at our manual installation guide.

Here are some basic steps:

  1. Go to layout/theme.liquid file and delete {% render 'judgeme_core' %} .

  2. If you're using a vintage theme (theme 1.0), check these templates: product.liquid, collection.liquid, index.liquid and delete our code (you can search for "judge").

  3. You can check the edited sections and snippets (they will have a purple circle on the left) and remove any code with "judge".

Please remember to click Save after everytime you make the changes.

Step 3: Remove files

Delete these files from your theme:

  1. sections/judgeme_carousel_section.liquid

  2. snippets/judgeme_all_reviews.liquid

  3. snippets/judgeme_core.liquid

  4. snippets/judgeme_widgets.liquid

  5. templates/page.judgeme_all_reviews.liquid

Step 4: Double-check your live store

Once you've finished deleting our code and files:

  • Go to your home page, collection page, and product page to see if any of our widgets remain or if any error was caused by the code removal (sometimes it can lead to a liquid error if you miss a certain code).

  • Inspect the above pages to check for any remaining code or script from us.

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