Streamline the integration of the Product Reviews app with Square in just a few simple steps. This allows you to promptly gather and showcase reviews.
Get started with the installation process:
Go to Settings > App Integrations from your Square Dashboard.
Visit the App Marketplace by clicking "Visit App Marketplace" and search for " Product Reviews."
Click "Get Started."
Provide your email address, send a Magic Link, and click the link sent to your email. Alternatively, log in using your Facebook or Google account.
Sign in to your Square account, and you'll be redirected to the installation page.
Review the permissions and click "Allow."
Select the desired widgets and click "Start Installation."
Preview the widgets and confirm with "Yes, Looks Great."
Accessing settings
After the onboarding is complete, access our dashboard to fine-tune settings:
Return to your Square Dashboard, and go to Settings > App Integrations.
Under "My Applications," click "Visit."
Adding widgets
The Star Ratings stars and Review Widget will be automatically installed at the optimal locations in your stores. For other widgets, use's shortcodes.
Here's a list of shortcodes for each widget:
Reviews Carousel: [jdgm-featured-carousel]
Verified Reviews Counter: [jdgm-verified-badge]
All Reviews Counter: [jdgm-all-reviews-text]
UGC Media Grid: [jdgm-ugc-media-grid]
Floating Reviews Tab: [jdgm-reviews-tab]
Reviews Page: [jdgm-all-reviews-page]
Follow these steps to incorporate the shortcodes:
Log in to your Square admin dashboard.
Go to "Online" on the left menu, then click on "Website" > "Edit Site."
Click "Add Section" and drag-drop the "Embed Code" into the editor. Enter the shortcode of your desired widget.
When ready, click "Publish."
Should you wish to uninstall, follow these steps:
Go to Settings > App Integrations on your Square Dashboard.
Click the ellipsis (...) and select "Disconnect App."
If you need help integrating with Square, contact our team at We're available to help 24/7!