With Daily Deals, you can create storewide sales in just a few steps. By integrating with Judge.me, you can showcase star ratings on your sales pages and items. Here's how to enable this integration:
With Daily Deals, you can create storewide sales in just a few steps. By integrating with Judge.me, you can showcase star ratings on your sales pages and items. Here's how to enable this integration:
Step 1: Install Daily Deals and Judge.me
Begin by installing both Daily Deals and Judge.me.
Step 2: Get your Judge.me public token
From your Judge.me admin, go to General Settings > Integrations > View API token
Locate and copy the Public Token.
Step 3: Configure the integration in Daily Deals
From your Daily Deals admin, go to Settings > Reviews Integrations > Configure Integrations.
Paste the Public Token you got from Judge.me.
Save your settings.
Now, you're all set to create your deals, and your Judge.me star ratings will be prominently displayed.